Monday, March 26, 2007

Judy's Last Day

I had a chance to exercise my creativity yesterday @ work & prove that I've already had a kickstart to my future hobbies (See 'About me' on the Right). I custom-designed my own storage box to put in all my munchies! It took me about 3 hrs to complete it.. so here's how it looks...
The top cover...

Side view with Kak Ayu's feveret bag brand...

The part thats still not completed cuz I ran out of magazines..

And yesterday was also Judy's last day @ work. So sad to see her go but I hope she finds a better job outside...

Syah... are u sure Judy and I look like sisters?... Hehe

Judy with Janelle (top) and Connie (bottom) the SENIOR CITIZENS... :p

4 Chinese ladies... muahaha... Mcm betol jer :p

And this pic is for remembrance to Judy of how she started off... answering voicemail @ Last Station!


Anonymous said...

Yup,yup! Kan Kau dah mcm CINA as per PANDA.... hahahahahah.... SYG Aku takde yest..... dah leh amik ngan Judy 2.... heheheehe... BEZ SEH DIE JALAN... BABE, kita bila nak dpt keje baru?????? heheheheh ;)

Arin said...

To Syah:

CINA lah
Mak-mak lah
Org Kaya lah
Sexy lah

Aku kan come in a package
4-in-1. Batteries not included :p

Nanti baru aku pikir pasal keje baru.
Jobs DB pakai agent uh.
Tak bagos.
Kite keje kat Shop & Save nak?
Bley bgn stengah jam seblom keje, 5 min jalan dari umah, nak makan ley balik umah...