Thursday, March 8, 2007

Very2 sick

Despite having a high fever of almost 38.5 degrees,
I managed to pass my Prac 6 yesterday.
Luckily I do not need to repeat until 4 times like one guy had to..
I'm still not feeling well right now...
My mum said I cough like a dog. *Shit*
My body is in a very bad condition...
Usually, most to most I'd be sick for only 2 days..
But this has been 5 days..
Ms Beruang... kao betul pembawak penyakit...
Nasib baik aku tady tak pengsan time bwk motor..
Kalao pengsan, dah jady satu masalah plak..
Kene bwk gi hospital.. Dad tau i take lesen motor... blah blah
Aniwaes, I booked for Prac 7 this fri, cuz later going to BFs house.
If never go, can take tonight's night slots..
I really wanna complete this a.s.a.p so that I can move on to car prac wic would take a much longer time to complete...
I hope BFs mum dun keep feeding me cuz my throat hurts badly...
U noe Beruangs... I can only eat porridge and aniting that doesn't need to be chewed..
I feel like a baby!
I totally hate this...

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